Thursday, April 5, 2007

A bit of excitement

Today's little bit of excitement came when two of my landladies dogs (one German Shepard and one little mongrel) got in a fight. Well, the German Shepard went after the mongrel and bit her a couple of times. Mrs. G, my landlady, broke up said fight by throwing rocks at the dogs involved. As soon as the German Shepard was distracted the mongrel ran off (smart pup). I had to follow the blood droplets to find her and then coax her out of her hiding spot so we could treat the cuts (screw worms are a real bad problem here). Thankfully the little dog likes me a lot and I was able to keep her calm while we treated her. Of course she ran off to hide again as soon as she could. I haven't seen her for the rest of the day but hopefully she's alright. We had to chain the German Shepard back up.

The dogs here are yard dogs, and not really treated as pets. The mongrels have a clearly established pack. The German Shepard is relatively new to the household. She and her pup (they were bought for breeding purposes) were kept separate from the other dogs for a while after they arrived. So we have two distinct packs in close proximity. My guess is that she viewed the little female mongrel (who is the alpha female of her pack) as a threat and decided to show her dominance. Thus the fight.

I figure that was enough excitement for one day. Did a little more grocery shopping since the stores will only be open limited hours this weekend (everything closes for Good Friday and Easter and most shops had limited hours today). Made bean burritos for dinner (I am continuously happy to find the ingredients for said dish in one of the local supermarkets). Now I'm just chilling to some good music (current song is OAR's "Crazy Game of Poker"--a fun song) and reading. Have a four day weekend (yay!) and the only things that must be done are laundry and some light cleaning.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I am feeling better. Lotsa sleep, medicine, and nasal rinse (thanks to my friends for pointing that trick out) have made a difference. There still a bit of pressure and drippage, but I am much improved. :)

1 comment:

your friend the nurse said...

Sounds like certain spots within Ripton, sans screw worms and warmth.