Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fun, Fools, and Finances

Haven't posted for a few days, mainly cause I wasn't home. So I didn't have Internet access. Spent three days last week at a training in Orecabesa, St. Mary (on the north coast). The training was for volunteers and counterparts and focused mainly on how to create good presentations that would be useful in the training of trainers (which is a lot of what PC volunteers do).

It was wonderful to get to see people I hadn't seen in months and to meet their counterparts. I made some new connections that may be useful to me at my site, which is always a nice thing. It was also a nice refresher on how to plan and format a training session. Plus the hotel was nice (though the mosquitoes were *big* and apparently immune to deet as my face and hands got eaten up in the night (everything else was covered by sheets)). It was on the beach, and had excellent food. So overall it was a nice three days away from my usual duties.

Yesterday I spent the day relaxing for the most part. Did a little bit of shopping in the afternoon. Finally got around to buying some flatware. I had one fork, two spoons, and a few butter knifes. I found a cute little set on sale. Now if I have guests over we don't have to wash the fork between uses (I had a few plastic forks. So I'd never actually had to wash the fork between uses, but it could of happened.). I also bought a few little things to pretty up my little flat (a cute glass votive candle holder and an little aromatherapy burner that was on sale). Sales are wonderful things.

I also treated myself to Chinese for lunch yesterday. There's a place in my area that makes a great sweet and sour chicken. While eating I had fun people watching. One really interesting thing I noticed was a Jamaican couple sitting near me. They spent a good portion of the meal chatting in rapid fire Spanish. It was one of those little things that makes you realize how multicultural our world is.

Today I haven't done much of anything. I managed to get my taxes done finally though. So that was an achievement. Chatted with my dad for a bit, and made potato pancakes for lunch. It's been a nice, quiet day.

Haven't really seen any fools today. Just threw that in the title because today's April Fool's Day, and it made for nice alliteration. :)


Unknown said...

Ah the mosquitoes... did it make it feel like "home" here in Louisiana? :P

Amanda said...

That is did. Mosquitos the size of hummingbirds...what's more "home" like than that. ;)

your friend the nurse said...

Love the birthday picture- you look wonderfully tanned and, dare I say it? relaxed.