Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sinusitis is evil

So ever since I came to Jamaica my allergies have bothered me. Usually I take some medication and it's fine (or at least at a level I can deal with), but it seems like at least once a month it gets worse and I end up with sinusitis (at least for the past few months it seems like it is once a month). While I wasn't feeling stellar the past few days I didn't think much of it. Took my Allegra and got on with my life. However this morning I woke up feeling achy, stuffy, and generally miserable. So rather than go to a one of the outlying health clinics and give a presentation like I was supposed to to, I ended up at the doctors office. After confirming my suspicions that I once again have sinusitis, he wrote me a prescription for a different sinus medicine and some cough syrup. So now I'm back at home after picking up a few groceries (juice, jello, soup, all those nice comforting foods that feel good against a sore throat). Hopefully I won't need anything for a few days since most of the shops will only be open for limited hours (if at all) this weekend. Apparently *everything* closes for Easter around here. I'm off to rest for a bit.


Ceredwyn said...

Do you know how to do a nasal rinse? Take a cup of water and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt and a pinch of baking soda. If you can find something called a "neti pot" it makes it easy, if not get a water bottle with one of those small spouts.

. Prepare the saline solution (*) with lukewarm water and fill the neti pot. Hot water is irritating and dangerous. Cool water is not soothing.
2. Tilt your head to the side as shown in the picture at the beginning of this article..
3. Insert spout of neti pot gently into the raised nostril creating a seal between the neti pot and the nostril. If it drains out of your mouth, lower your forehead in relation to your chin. Relax. If you are calm, the water flows right through. But if you aren't, it just won't flow. If you keep breathing through your mouth, relaxed, the water should gently flow through the nose on its own. There's no forcing it.
4. Raise the neti pot slowly to develop a steady flow of saline solution through the upper nostril and out the lower nostril.
5. During the process breathe through your mouth.
6. When you're done, exhale firmly several times to clear the nasal passages.
7. Reverse the tilt of your head and repeat the process on the other side.

This really does work although Bryan insists that I made it up just to laugh at him. I got desperate enough last year with sinusitis that I finally got over my squickiness and did it. I was amazed--my infection cleared up in half the time.

Amanda said...

I'll have to try it out. Thanks for passing the info on. I'll let you know how it works. :)

your friend the nurse said...

well, I see OurLady of the Neti Pot has beaten me to the punch with the nasal rinse. She does a wonderful job of describing the operation. It definitely beats putting salt water in one's hand and snorting. It's effective that way, but certainly less ascetically pleasing. If you do the saline rinses on a regular basis after the acute phase is finished, you'll be able to ward off the more chronic phase of inflammation which leads to the acute phase.
You're missing one lovely winter snow here. I wouldn't mind being in Jamaica missing it with you. Need a volunteer nurse for a little bit down there once I'm feeling better?

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...

Realized I had made a few grammatical errors in my post. So I deleted it in order to correct it (I find it silly that they don't let you edit comments after posting).

Here's the comment:

Well the saline rinse solution is helping. Thanks to Our Lady of the Neti Pot (and other cool homeopathic remedies). I'll definately have to keep doing it on occasion after this infection passes in an attempt to keep from getting another one. Thank you both for your advice.

Tam, I'm a bit sorry to be missing the lovely snow, but I'm also enjoying the beauty of the tropics. If you want to visit when you are feeling better (volunteers are usually needed, or you can just come hang out with me for a bit), you are more than welcome. We can vacation Peace Corps style (which means seeing lovely places without paying an arm and a leg). There are some decent hotels on island that aren't outrageously expensive (I can always ask around for reccomendations) and we can bum about the beach (or we can bum about my small flat up in the mountains where it is cooler). It would be wonderful to get to visit with you again.

Also glad you like the birthday pic. I am nicely tanned (though my legs are still scarily white since I mostly wear long skirts and pants to work). I also have the coolest tan lines on my feet from my sandals. Most days I am very relaxed and life here suits me wonderfully. I've had some problems with my depression, but one thing I've realized is that I will always have those problems regardless of where I am. I just have to take things one day at a time and remember to reach out when necessary.