Friday, January 4, 2008

Yummy soup

The finished soup, along with butter crackers and iced tea. I did learn that using a small food processor to puree a large part of soup was a pain in the behind (and a bit messy to boot). :)

The soup is very good, nice and smooth with the sweetness of the pumpkin and apple balanced nicely by the slightly spicier hints of garlic, ginger and cinnamon. Next time I make it I'll likely use more potatoes (I only had one large one) and another apple or two, and a little less broth as the soup could stand to be a bit thicker. Overall though, a lovely experiment well worth repeating and a perfect meal for a sore throat.

Tis the be sick

I have lots of posts to catch up on (want to blog my thanksgiving, christmas, new year's experiences, etc.), but at the moment by head feels like it is overstuffed with cotton that is trying to expand, my throat is all scratchy and I can't decide if I'm hot or cold. Yuck.

So I am resting, catching up with a few things on line, and making soup. One thing that my Peace Corps experience has taught me is to be a little more adventurous in my cooking. So instead of heating a tin of soup, I'm actually making a big pot of homemade soup. Mr. G, my landlord, gave me some fresh pumpkin, and I had some potatoes and stuff in my fridge. So I'm making a sort of harvest style soup with potatoes, pumpkin, an apple, onion, garlic, chicken stock and some spices. I'm gonna puree it in the food processor I inherited from another volunteer to make it nice and easy to eat (it should hopefully be very soothing to my throat).

Once I'm feeling better I'll get caught up on my other posts.